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Voldria felicitar al Senyor Iu Forn pel seu article i per la gran eina de suport curricular que ens ha donat a tots els mestres. És un article excel.lent que podem fer servir amb alumnes a partir de cicle superior de primària per treballar d´una manera crítica el què hauria de ser un article periodístic documentat, fonamentat i contrastat .Podem utilitzar l´avinantesa per parlar de la diferència entre un article d´opinió subjectiu i una informació tergiversada i errònia.
Fins i tot a secundària podem parlar de l´ètica professional: buscar l´impacte mediàtic, la polèmica, que es parli d´un......encara que la informació que s´hagi donat no s´ajusti a la realitat i contribueixi a crear una imatge pública d´un col.lectiu de mestres incompetents, dròpols i amb poques ganes de treballar.Bé , m´imagino que el Sr.Iu Forn ja sap ( i si no ho hauria de saber) que els horaris i els calendaris escolars els decideix la Conselleria, no els mestres ; que durant la Setmana Blanca els mestres no anirem a esquiar, ens dedicarem a preparar el segon trimestre i tot allò que ens hagi quedat pendent al setembre.
Coincideixo amb ell que la nostra no és una cultura de l´esquí, sinó de la mediterrària de pins i oliveres ( no oblidi les figueres, que són per exel.lència l´arbre de les migdiades estiuenques ).
Però, d´aquí a responsabilitzar als mestres d´aquesta situació......n´hi va un bon tros.
Carme Rider
2 comentaris:
Who is that person who things that the teachers decide when holidays are? I do not think that there is any country where the teachers can make this. It is allways from the goverment. Or am I wrong.? And who thinks that the teachers have all the weeks holidays?
Well, do not get me wrong. I am not a teacher and non of my family is a teacher. But good and motívate teachers need time to prepair and work out new ways for teaching for our kids and the next generation.
And now the problem with the holidays. We have the same problem in Germany. Whats happening with the children on holidays when the parents have to work? The goverment does not care. Germany has 16 bundeslaender. They all have diffrent times for holiday. You will find under the link:
So the parents have between 24 - 32 days holiday. The children have more days off, so either the kids stay alone, the parents share there holidays (and have never together), you send the kids into a holiday camp when they are older or you have a family (grandma, granddad, aunt...) who looks after the children.
The question for you now, if holidays in febuary makes sence is had to say. For me YES, because the time between christmas and summer holiday is a very long time and I think the kids need a short break. The name of the february holidays "White" is a little bit funny for the area round Barcelona. But if you only take holidays after the weather, we (in the part of Germany where we live) should never get holidays because there is allways bad weather. -That the reason why Spain has so much German tourists. But I also understand the problem with looking after the children. When you are able to have students looking after the kids in summer time, because they do not have to study at that time and in February they have their exams.... So this is not to answer this streight YES or NO. This is just an opinion from a working mother in Germany with 2 kids (10 and 13 years old)
Best wish Gaby Hellmann
Nice to know about you again.Thanks for your opinion and for the link.I´ve been having a look.
You can see: same world, same problems. I can imagine that must be very funny for you the name of "white week " in Barcelona,specially when you are used to live around -10ºC.
See you soon!!!
Carme Rider
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