Two different languages in the same territory is a source of conflict but is necessary that all citizens know both of them. Separate the students because the language is to divide the population. Catalan language is still a minority language in the media and on the streets of many neighborhoods, if castilian speaking children learn the Catalan language at school, will be bilingual. We have a cultural heritage : the opportunity of learning two romanic languages with very close linguistic structures that will help students to strengthen their ability of grammar which can be forwarded easily to other languages.
From the Government of Spain (2000-2004) there was an attempt to give freedom to the families for their children to recive their education in castilian language. Become active parent groups, who ask castilian language education on the grounds of freedom of choice.
In 2006, with the approval of LOE ( legislation) ,the governament wants to force all students to do many hours of Spanish and Catalan in all schools , denying the value of " joint linguistic structures " for two romanics languages. One radio station has helped permanently to confuse the people, especially from outsite of Catalonia.
Seems that the fight for Castilian-language schools is more a political harassment to bring down the government than a raoanable option of education.
See the article: ( La Vanguardia, 10th of may, 2009)
El PP publica un anuncio en La Vanguardia contra la ley catalana de educación
El anuncio, encabezado por el lema "Suspenso en calidad. Suspenso en libertad", se publica íntegramente en castellano sólo en la edición de este domingo de La Vanguardia, según fuentes del partido, y se enmarca en la intensa campaña que ha emprendido el PP en contra de la futura Ley de Educación impulsada por el Gobierno catalán.
"Todo ello evidencia la corta mentalidad de un Gobierno tensado por sus contradicciones internas, que surgen de una alianza de perdedores", prosigue el texto del anuncio publicitario, que mantiene que Cataluña debe situarse en cabeza en "calidad, rigor y libertad".
El texto publicitario, acompañado de la fotografía de una madre y su hijo esposados y con los ojos tapados, alerta de que la "miseria intelectual" que conlleva la Ley de Educación, que "sólo conduce a un futuro: la miseria moral y económica".
Por este motivo, el PP se compromete a defender la libertad de los padres para elegir el centro educativo de sus hijos así como la lengua preferente en la escuela: catalán, español o inglés.